Sharjah24: Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, wife of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah, Chairperson of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs and Chairperson of Sharjah Ladies Club (SLC), has called on Emirati women to take advantage of all opportunities and to enhance their capabilities so that they can be equipped with the skills and attributes that will best benefit the nation.
Her Highness’s comments came as she witnessed the 35th anniversary celebrations of Sharjah Ladies Club, which took place Wednesday at SLC’s Kunooz Events & Catering Hall. The anniversary event sees SLC’s members gather to honour the institution that has grown into one of the most highly regarded clubs dedicated to the health, well-being and advancement of women.

“At SLC we are committed to providing women with every opportunity to further their growth, artistically, intellectually and vocationally. Our efforts are aimed at enabling women to enhance their capacities as important human resources who will underpin the development of society and to be able to do so in an environment that is supportive and creative. We take pride in our endeavours when we see that women’s voices are now listened to, especially in the sports, social and cultural fields, as well as in humanitarian contributions around the world,” said Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi.

“This could not have been achieved without the incredible support of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, member of the Supreme Council Ruler of Sharjah. The directives of His Highness have established a platform for women to further their innovation and to realise their ambitions. His Highness’s support to SLC has enabled its members to experience quality teamwork and to be creative in a private place where they can establish businesses and expand into broader horizons, transforming dreams into tangible realities. We therefore convey our sincerest thanks to His Highness for all that he has done and for all that he continues to do,” added Sheikha Jawaher Al Qasimi.

During the anniversary celebrations Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher Al Qasimi witnessed the honouring of SLC’s former management, who hold senior positions in various institutions in the Emirate of Sharjah.

For her part, Khawla Al Serkal, Director General of SLC, welcomed Sheikha Jawaher, saying: “When we mention SLC’s array of achievements, we must commend the unrivalled support of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, and Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, which has led to many developments and upgrades. Today, SLC has 10 branches across Sharjah’s central and eastern regions, all of which provide women with high-end facilities and world-class services.”

“At SLC, we believe that the woman is the fundamental unit of society and this motivates us to launch and implement programmes, training and educational workshops that play a crucial role in reinforcing her capabilities in all aspects of life. We pledge to stand by your side and foster in you the spirit of creativity and excellence, in keeping with the vision of the Emirate of Sharjah to support women and provide them with all the constituents that help them to grow,” she added.

SLC’s anniversary ceremony featured an array of recreational activities and discussion panels. Themed ‘Sharjah Ladies Club… A Creative Platform,’ the first panel highlighted SLC’s achievements over 35 years as a fully integrated environment that represents a platform for women to develop, fulfill their aspirations and enhance their instrumental roles in the community. The panel was moderated by HE Hanan Al Mahmoud, Director of Al Jawaher Reception & Convention Centre and comprised HE Saleha Obaid Ghabbash, Chairperson of the Media and Cultural Office, Badria Al Ali, Director of Lughati and Nada Mohsen, one of SLC’s first members.

Themed ‘Success Is a Journey’, the second discussion panel addressed the saying ‘Success is a Continuous Journey, not a Final Destination.’ The panel was attended by a host of successful international personalities, including; Andrea Zoya, speaker, presenter and speech instructor; Carol Talbot, keynote speaker and neurolinguistics programming expert; Sophie Le Ray, author and entrepreneur and Elissa Freiha, Founder of ‘Women for women empowerment in entrepreneurship in the Middle East.’

Amal Al Naqbi, General Manager of the Khorfakkan Ladies Club Branch, presented her success story, discussing the most important stages of her life at Khorfakkan Club and how it had played an influential role in enhancing her community activities through teaching her skills for better interpersonal engagement.

SLC’s celebration of its three-and-a-half decades of premium facilities and services was held in association with the sponsorship and partnership of a number of institutions, including the Sharjah Enviroment Compnay “Beeah”, Medcare Women and Children Hospital, Faces for Cosmetics and Damas Jewellery and “Karam” cafe.

تزامناً مع الشهر العالمي للتوعية بسرطان الثدي، الذي يصادف شهر أكتوبر من كل عام، أطلقت إدارة فروع نادي سيدات الشارقة، في كل من وادي الحلو، والذيد، ومليحة، وكلباء، ودبا الحصن، برنامجاً توعوياً لمكافحة المرض، يشتمل على محاضرات وورش تدريبية، وفحوصات مجانية ومناشط رياضية وعروض اشتراك مميزة.

يأتي إطلاق هذا البرنامج الذي يستمر حتى نهاية أكتوبر الجاري، في إطار حرص إدارة فروع النادي على التفاعل مع جميع الأحداث العالمية، والمبادرات المحلية التي تسلط الضوء على القضايا المجتمعية لا سيما تلك التي تنشد صحة الفرد والمجتمع، وتركز جميع الفعاليات المقامة ضمن هذا البرنامج على تعزيز الوعي بسرطان الثدي، وأهمية الكشف المبكر عنه، كما تركز على تبديد المخاوف وإزالة المفاهيم الخاطئة والمغلوطة التي تدور حول المرض.

وفي هذا الصدد، قالت نورة البلوشي، منسق فعاليات بإدارة فروع نادي سيدات الشارقة: «يأتي إطلاقنا لهذا البرنامج التوعوي المتكامل، تماشياً مع الرؤية الشاملة لإدارة فروع النادي، حيث نؤمن بأن التوعية بمخاطر الأمراض الأكثر انتشاراً بين النساء لاسيما سرطان الثدي، تعتبر مسؤولية وطنية ومجتمعية، ويتوجب علينا تحمل جزء كبير من هذه المسؤولية، باعتبارنا إحدى المؤسسات المعنية بتوفير ملاذ آمن وراق تلتقي فيه السيدات والفتيات لمزاولة مختلف الأنشطة». وأضافت البلوشي:«يعتبر سرطان الثدي من أكثر أنواع السرطان انتشاراً بين النساء في جميع أنحاء العالم، إذ يمثّل 16% من جميع السرطانات التي تصيب هذه الفئة، فالإحصائيات تؤكد أن هناك نحو 1.1 مليون امرأة يتم تشخيصهن سنوياً بسرطان الثدي، وهذه الحقائق تجعلنا أكثر عزماً على المضي قدماً في تعزيز الوعي بهذا المرض، وتسليط الضوء على العوامل التي تزيد من فرص الإصابة به، بجانب إبراز الأساليب والممارسات الصحية السليمة التي تقلل من فرص الإصابة به، وتزيد من معدلات الشفاء».

قراءة المقال الأصلي